What causes gum diseases?
1. chew tobacco or smoke
2 .don’t visit the dentist on a regular schedule for gum disease prevention
3. family history of gum disease
4 .other health problems: Poor diet, stress, uncontrolled diabetes, AIDS, leukemia
Diagnosing gum disease:
1. exam dental exam at our office
2.bleeding gums
3. bad breath
4 loose teeth
5. gums receding away from your teeth
Great News!!!! No more gum surgery ( NO STITCHES) that removes the gums , no root sensitivity and no discomfort!!!! The best method is LANAP Procedure. This is a laser procedure that use a laser fiber that is inserted between the gum tissue and your teeth, where it removes the tartar and calculus. We are the only dentist office in Pitt Co. that has this technology. Read about this on the computer.