Laser Procedure
Procedure: Your first visit (Lanap Procedure treatment), you’ll receive a local anesthetic to eliminate any possible discomfort. An IV sedation or oral sedation is not necessary. You can elect to use oral sedation. The Lanap Procedure is much less traumatic than surgery with a scalpel. A tiny laser fiber (about the thickness of three hairs) is inserted between the tooth and the gum, and the infection is cleared away. The procedure is fast. It takes just two 2-hour sessions or a half day session. We will treat one half of your mouth at each session (or if you wish, the entire mouth) and chances are you will feel good enough to go back to work shortly afterwards.
Remember: There isno cutting or no suturing!!!! Fact- 98% of Lanap treated patients remain stable after five years. Recovery from traditional gum surgery can take between 2-4 weeks during which patients can experience considerable pain and swelling. There is usually less than a 24 hour recovery period, so chances are you may return to work immediately.
The Lanap Procedure is safe for patients with health concerns such as diabetes, HIV, hemophilia, or those taking medications such as Plavix or aspirin.
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